Improving the Quality of Life for as Many People as Possible in Peru
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$100 million
in giving by 2030, and it starts with giving initiatives such as this one.
Providing Basic Care for the Indigenous People of the Amazon
About United Servants Abroad
United Servants Abroad sends short-term mission teams to serve and support the church overseas both in its ministries and communities in countries around the world. From financial support to much-needed emergency supplies and basic infrastructure, United Servants Abroad goes where they’re needed most to offer critical help and service in the name of the Lord.
Partnering with the Shipibo/Conibo Church Association in the upper Amazon River basin in Peru, United Servants Abroad supports existing ministries to provide much-needed emergency services and basic infrastructure.
Medical ministry opportunities are still a growing need in the area. United Servants Abroad’s mission is to provide surgical teams, general medical teams, and dental teams make an impact on the region.

The Major Areas of Focus
The indigenous people of the upper Amazon rainforest often struggle to obtain basic necessities. With the urgent demand for more basic health care, medical teams from the US have begun joining forces with local health care providers to offer specialized surgery and training, but help is still greatly needed.
Medical Services
Medical and dental services are perhaps the greatest need among indigenous people of the Amazon. From basic dental hygiene to general wellness checkups or surgeries, greater support and health education is needed.
Clean Water
Clean water is extremely hard to come by in the Amazon. New wells and water filtrations systems are needed for clean drinking water which would help to eliminate a variety of different diseases.
People in this region rely on the river to travel, making it difficult for families to send children to school. Families are also responsible for school supplies, often making it financially impossible to send children to school.
Humanitarian Relief and Crisis Support
The country of Peru has more indigenous people than any country in the Western Hemisphere, and the tribal groups account for many of the poorest in this population. Natural emergencies, such as flooding, fires, or crop destruction, occur often in the jungle and require support to recover.
Safe Housing
Though there are initiatives in place to help provide safe shelter, water, cooking facilities, and clinics to help care for indigenous people and travelers, more structures and funding are needed to service the growing population of Pucallpa and its surrounding areas.
Setting the Foundation for a Brighter Future
The main goal of this mission, and the most important, is to improve the quality of life for as many indigenous people as possible throughout Peru, and United Servants Abroad wasted no time getting to work.
With the help of national leaders and ministry volunteers, the goals for the mission are to:
- Improve the quality of healthcare in the region and provide medicine and training to all involved. This was the most vital.
- Establish as many new wells and water filtration systems in the neediest areas of the city, starting with locations where large groups of people meet, such as schools and churches.
- Establish spiritual education and life skill applications for the national indigenous peoples in the jungle so that they may share their learnings and knowledge with their villages and neighboring communities.
- Increase funding for the Centro Nativo — AIESCH to help provide additional support for already established services.
The Work That Helped Change Lives
With the help of United Servants Abroad, the international church, outside funding, and partnerships with national and international medical teams, the lives of the people in Peru have dramatically improved for the better.
The Centro Nativo — AIESCH
The Centro Nativo — AIESCH now has established ministries reaching out to hundreds of tribal villages in the region, giving them the ability to expand to four additional properties. These properties offer an additional 60 rooms, a cafeteria, cooking area, clean bathrooms, a large church auditorium, classrooms, a library, a playground, a sports field, a water filtration system, and storage rooms to keep farm products safe and secure.
An average of 30,000+ people stay at least one night at the center.
In addition, Peruvian nationals are educated and trained in the process of the well drilling and water filtration installation systems to ensure continued access to clean water.
The Centro Nativo charges a minimal fee for those who stay at the centers and use its services, and that money covers the maintenance and upkeep of the buildings. Funding for all projects is channeled through trusted and trained leaders working at the individual centers, villages, and churches, as they continue to offer help and support to ministers in the Amazon doing God’s work.
The Bible Institute
While a Bible Institute was established in 1991 in Pucallpa offering a priceless educational opportunity, additional funding helped provide secondary education as well. The school offers training to men and women, as well as couples. Not only is there an opportunity for each couple to continue both their spiritual and educational journey, but aid is offered to their children as well.
Now operating for over 30 years, with the increase in funding, the institute has produced over 400 graduates from 13 different tribal groups who have returned to their respective villages to spread the word or help other tribal groups that are in need.
With Continued Dedication Comes Continued Progress
With the basic infrastructure in place and the continued support of God, passionate volunteers, and ministry members, the city of Pucallpa, Peru, is getting the help it needs so it may begin to offer its people the support they deserve.
Through this initiative, United Servants Abroad was able to meet the needs of more than 3,000 people, delivering 1.5 tons of food and supplies after a flood destroyed their farms. Additionally, through an established COVID-19 relief program, food, medicine, and medical supplies were sent to over 60 villages, meeting the needs of over 1,500 families, providing safety, comfort, and love to the people in the region when they needed it most.
Today, ongoing medical, dental, and surgical needs are being met with the help of international medical teams traveling to Peru each year. The challenge still continues as medicine and medical supplies can be somewhat limited, but it has greatly improved overall.
Clean Water
The process of integrating wells and water filtration systems continues. Many new wells are functioning in the villages. By 2019, 11 systems were installed and functioning in Pucallpa, producing an average of over 350,000 gallons of clean water per month.
How to Help Provide Ongoing Support
Missions like United Servants Abroad are what inspire us to provide continued support and donations to help provide services that are so greatly needed around the world. By partnering with these organizations, we have the power to help uplift those who need help up the most, transforming the neediest of villages into self-sufficient communities.
Want to support United Servants Abroad and their ongoing missions yourself?